- June 2023 Meeting with the German delegation from the City of Bonn
- September 2019 Interview mit Karl Heinz Knoll (Fortis Akademie, Chemnitz – DE)
- March 2019: Friseurinnung Hanau/Frankfurt Main (Germany)
- April 019 Bildungsreise in Bella Italia, nnz-online
- September 2018 Cercando il lavoro, a Palazzo Trissino una delegazione di funzionari del Comune di Bonn
- April 2018 Eurocultura con el presidente federal aleman Frank-Walter Steinmeier
- March 2018 Delegation from municipality of Bonn in Vicenza
- December 2017 Municipality of Bonn (Germany)
- November 2017: Institut für Lebenslanges Lernen, Chemnitz (Germany)
- November 2017 Delegation of VET-trainers from Volkssolidarität e.V. Chemnitz (Germany) in visit at retirement home «Fondazione Bressan», Isola Vicentina
- Thanks to the cooperation with VOLKSSOLIDARITÄT Stadtverband Chemnitz e.V., a group of German teachers from Saxony attended a training course about early childhood education in Italy.
- Employees of the city of Bonn (Germany) attended a training course on «Inclusion in Italy» in Vicenza, cofinanced by Erasmus+. (in German)
- October 2016: early childhood educators from Sassony (Germany) on training in Vicenza