Visit for VET staff

Vocational training in Italy is primarily school-based. At the age of 14, students can choose a regional vocational training centre for a three to four-year apprenticeship or a vocational secondary school with A-levels after five years. School reforms in recent years have increased the practical part in the company and represent an innovative step towards dual training.

Current challenges for the Italian handicraft industry lie in the areas of digitalisation, globalisation, tax system, reduction of bureaucracy, stagnating domestic economy and demographic change.

The thematic issues of the VET-Staff study visit include School and vocational training, economic situation and future prospects, the skills requirements of companies and the supply of skilled workers, quality management for traineeships abroad, history of the craft and inclusion in training.

Training and industry experts are available as lecturers. During discussions and visits to vocational schools, chambers and companies, the focus is on mutual exchange.

The study visit is aimed at teaching staff, trainers, tutors, entrepreneurs, chamber and guild employees and decision-makers.